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IPFS News Link • Veterans and Veterans Affairs

Biden Considers Stripping Health Care from Veterans to Give to Illegal Aliens

•, By: Jack Murphy

According to various reports, the Biden administration is reportedly considering diverting doctors from the Department of Veterans Affairs in order to treat illegal aliens who are expected to flood the southern border this spring and summer.The insulting slight to American veterans was first reported by Fox Business's Hillary Vaughn, who cited a source with U.S. Customs and Border Protection.She quoted the source as saying:

"We're going to take medical services away from people that really deserve that," she said.

"Who went to combat … to give free medical attention to illegal migrants," she added.

The Department of Veterans Affairs is already inefficient, with a shortage in personnel likely to cost American veterans the care they need.

As The Gateway Pundit writes:

According to Vaughn, the Biden administration would redistribute the health care resources for a surge of as many as half a million illegal immigrants.

The administration is gutting immigration enforcement and deportations in favor of a system designed to check in and ferry illegals to American communities.