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IPFS News Link • Self-Defense

Father Charged With Attempted Murder After Defending Family During Police Raid

•, by Matt Agorist

So when he heard his front door getting smashed in last week just before 5 a.m. as he slept in his bed, the last thing going through his head was, "it must be the cops, I'll just act completely defenseless with my wife and children in the house." Instead, he did what any father and husband should do and defended himself.

Unfortunately for Marioneaux, it was the cops and defending his family from them has landed this innocent father in jail, facing many years behind bars.

Luckily, during the early morning raid in which police used a battering ram to break through Marioneaux's front door and storm into his living room, no one was killed. Had this father of two actually killed one of the intruders, however, he would have been justified in doing so.

Though police claimed they "knocked" for ten seconds at his front door, most people are still asleep at this hour, so it is quite easy not to hear them. What's more, criminals can and have posed as police to carry out crimes, so yelling "police" doesn't necessarily put someone at ease who is trying to protect their family.

Though the knocking didn't wake him, when his door was smashed in with a ram, Marioneaux immediately jumped up, grabbed his pistol and defended his family. He would fire one shot at the armed intruders breaking into his home and luckily, his shot was deflected by one of the officer's shields.