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IPFS News Link • Economics: Austrian

Brazilian UFC Fighter Delivers Economic Punch to the Face

•, By Michael Maharrey

You can thank a Brazilian UFC fighter.

After a recent victory, a bruised and bloodied Renato Moicano gave a shoutout to Ludwig von Mises and the U.S. Constitution.

"I love America. I love the Constitution. I love the First Amendment. I want to carry f—ing guns. I love private property. Let me tell [you] something. If you care about your f—ing country, read Ludwig von Mises and the six lessons of the Austrian economic school motherf—ers."

And with that, Mises wormed his way into the American conscience. You might call it a punch in the face!

After the post-fight comments, Moicano was interviewed by Fox Business and was the subject of a 9-minute feature by Ben Shapiro.

Who Was Ludwig von Mises?

Mises was born in Austria in 1881. He served as an economic advisor for the Austrian government before fleeing the country to escape the Nazis in 1940. He settled in New York and taught at New York University.

Mises was as much a philosopher and a psychologist as an economist. He had a keen understanding of human nature and used this to build his economic theories. He started with the most basic observation – human beings act purposefully to achieve their desired goals.

Mises was a fierce advocate of free markets. As his Mises Institute biography explains, "Mises was able to demonstrate that the expansion of free markets, the division of labor, and private capital investment is the only possible path to the prosperity and flourishing of the human race."
