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IPFS News Link • Immigration

Californians now ARMING themselves after Border Patrol dumps illegals on the streets

•, Ramon Tomey

The New York Post elaborated on this development in an April 15 piece, zooming in on the Firearms Unlimited California gun store in the city of El Cajon. The suburb located northeast of San Diego is just 25 miles from the California sector of the U.S. border with Mexico.

Roughly 125,000 illegal aliens have been released on the streets of the San Diego area since September, which has been unsettling for the gun store's owner Cory Gautereaux. His customers, some of whom spoke with the Post, shared his worries.

"My wife and I have had home defense guns for many years," said customer Keith Carnevale, who visited with his family. "Recently though, with all the stuff that's happening south of the border and all the people coming over, my concerns have broadened."

"I don't think it's just the people that are coming over to try to find work. I think we have a lot of hostile people that are coming over with ill will, ill intent that will potentially cause chaos."

Keith's son Anthony Carnevale agreed with his father's sentiments. The younger Carnevale accompanied his father at the gun shop to buy his own firearm.

"I don't think it's just a matter of the number of undocumented people," Anthony remarked. "I think a lot of people are concerned about the state of our own government to be just allowing this and why."