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IPFS News Link • Vaccines and Vaccinations

The 4th Covid Shot: Could Vaccine Failure be Any More Obvious?

•, By Vasko Kohlmayer

This bit of information is all that one needs to see what the complete failure and fraud these vaccines have been.

Just ask yourself this: Why is there a need for the fourth shot?

The obvious reason for this is that the previous three shots have failed to do their job. In other words, they have failed to provide sufficient protection against Covid-19 for those who received them.

Just think about it: less than a year into the massive vaccination drive, the US government had to recommend a fourth shot, because they know that the first three do not work.

That makes three failed shots in less than a year.

If you still remember, at the beginning of this year they told us that if we all took our two shots, we would be safe and the pandemic would soon end.

Many people believed this. Some were so eager to receive their injections that they even jumped the vaccination line ahead of their more vulnerable fellow citizens.

It turned out, however, that what the vaccinators had said was not true. The original shots did not provide adequate protection, and so we were subsequently told that a third shot – which they called a "booster" – would be required.

And now the third shot apparently needs to be followed by a fourth one, because the third has obviously not lived up to its promise either.

We have thus been served three injection flops in less than twelve months.

The glaring vaccine failure stares us straight in the face and yet many people are still unable to recognize it. They cannot perceive it, because they have been frightened and brainwashed into intellectual stupor by the Covid establishment, and now they blindly follow the "guidance" of the very people responsible for this travesty.