IPFS News Link • Surviving the Collapse

The Shortages Are Going To Get Worse Later This Year As Global Supply Chains Increasingly Falter

• http://theeconomiccollapseblog.com by Michael Snyd

This was a windshield for a very common vehicle, and normally that wouldn't be a problem at all.  But these are not normal times.  Thanks to several factors that I will detail in this article, global supply chains are now under more strain than we have ever seen in the post-World War II era, and unfortunately it appears that things are going to get even worse as we approach the holiday season.

I know that most of you probably don't want to hear that the shortages that we are experiencing now are going to get worse. 

So you may be tempted to stop reading this article now because you don't want to see the bad news.

But it is imperative that you understand what is ahead, and so I urge you to keep reading.

Let's take this one step at a time.  Right now, local news outlets all over the country are doing stories about the shortages in their local areas.  Here is one example

Have you recently gone to the grocery store and found some of the shelves empty? If so, you aren't alone.
