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IPFS News Link • Vaccines and Vaccinations

INSANITY! Vaccine Deaths EXPLODE As Governments BAN Unvaxxed From Going To Public Places!

• World Alternative Media - Josh Sigurdson - Bitchut

Josh Sigurdson reports on the recent news of Abu Dhabi banning unvaccinated people from going into most public places. This was inevitable and this was the fight many of us were waiting for unfortunately.

If one has followed the Chinese technocratic blueprint over the years, you knew that there would be heavy, aggressive restrictions in the near future, likely tied to social credit scores and of course vaccine passports. It is starting to take hold in many places around the world right now.

All the while, vaccine deaths are exploding and the media is of course trying to sweep it under the rug as children get severe heart disorders out of nowhere and the FDA is forced to actually add a warning to the covid jab. Even the CDC is forced to report that deaths are going up rapidly and many of those who recently got jabbed are also facing severe side effects, but they only count a small percentage of the actual deaths and side effect cases.

Meanwhile, Dr. Fauci who one would think would be completely disgraced by now says that there are now two Americas. The vaccinated and the unvaccinated. This perfectly lays in line with the divide and conquer agenda.