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IPFS News Link • Voting: Vote Fraud

With free and fair elections now a thing of the past, America is preparing for war

•, by: Ethan Huff

No matter what happens on Jan. 6 and Jan. 20, one side or the other is going to pop off like an atomic bomb. The Trump side is convinced there was mass voter fraud – which certainly appears to be the case – while the Biden side says the election was fair and square. However history is made, one side or the other will not be in agreement.

"The American people have lost control of their election system," an investigative report explains. "Election results no longer have any relationship to the voters' will."

"The election results are now in the control of a relatively small network of bad actors who manipulate the system to produce virtually any result," the report adds. "This impacts all Americans, irrespective of political party."

While Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.) has proposed a full 10-day audit of the election results before certifying the Electoral College vote, the opposition says no way, no how. It is clear, at this point, that Democrats do not want to cooperate in validating the election.

Cruz's request is a normal one that has been requested before. It is just that this time the stakes are the highest they have ever been, so allowing for honesty and transparency is no longer an option.

"This is not enough time to conduct an election audit," the report explains about Cruz's request. "Had this been done a month ago, it might have been able to reveal the will of the voters."

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