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IPFS News Link • Pandemic

Fauci Versus Frontline Doctors and Science: Pandemic Malpractice


But they are being blocked because their medical freedom has been squashed. Dr. Anthony Fauci has ensured that the government only addressed the COVID-19 pandemic through contagion control and hospital treatment. Missing is what other nations have pursued: early home/outpatient treatment to keep people with symptoms and/or a positive test result out of hospital. Which is why they have much lower death rates.

Collusion between Fauci and leftist media block information and access to a hydroxychloroquine cocktail proven safe and effective by some courageous doctors offering home treatment. Countering his very positive image created by leftist media, this article digs deep into who Fauci really is and what he has done. Rather than following science and pursuing a complete public health strategy, he has seriously harmed Americans. He alone, it will be shown, accounts for at least half of deaths in the US.

1. The fight for HCQ based on good science is being defeated by Fauci controlled government and media bias against HCQ. He has killed medical freedom. Fauci biggest blunder, actually malpractice, is his emphasis on contagion control and hospitalized victims of the virus. He has stubbornly refused to acknowledge a mountain of evidence proving home, outpatient actions by doctors keeps people well and out of hospital. Here are examples of important data.

In those countries with wide early use of HCQ the death rate is 71 percent lower than in those nations, like the US, where its use has been limited by government. Close to 600,000 people have been saved worldwide. The data imply a saving of over 150,000 US lives, a figure that will increase as the number of deaths, sadly, keeps increasing without using home/outpatient use of HCQ.
