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IPFS News Link • Who-World Health Organization

Analyzing the WHO Pandemic Agreement

•, By John Leake

I recently tried to treat a bout of insomnia by reading the REVISED Draft of the negotiating text of the WHO Pandemic Agreement, dated March 7, 2024.

The Agreement's stated objective is as follows:

Article 2. Objective The objective of the WHO Pandemic Agreement, guided by equity, and the principles and approaches set forth herein, is to prevent, prepare for and respond to pandemics.

The Agreement's wording strikes me as too general and vague to yield any definite interpretation of what exactly the Articles mean in practice. I suspect that this is intentional, as it will give public health agency bureaucrats—representing Bio-Pharmaceutical interests—room to interpret it as they please, and impress their interpretation on braindead politicians and media outlets. The mantra will be, "Per our obligations set forth in the WHO Pandemic Agreement of 2024, we must do…"

I also suspect that the Agreement will serve as an enhanced mechanism for transferring vast sums of money from public coffers to the vaccine cartel.

Articles 14 and 18 strike me as especially concerning.

Article 14Regulatory systems strengthening

1. Each Party shall strengthen its national and, where appropriate, regional regulatory authority responsible for the authorization and approval of pandemic-related products, including through technical assistance and/or cooperation with WHO, other Parties and relevant organizations, as appropriate, with the aim of evaluating and monitoring the quality, safety and efficacy of such products.

2. Each Party shall take steps to ensure that it has legal, administrative and financial frameworks, as appropriate, in support of: (a) issuing emergency authorizations and approvals for pandemic-related products and/or, as appropriate, regulatory reliance processes for the timely authorization and approvals of such products, consistent with national law…