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IPFS News Link • Florida

Florida fisherman creeps up and harpoons whopping 13-foot, 1,000-pound alligator...


Florida man who said he was stalked by a monster alligator while fishing has finally caught his 13-foot, 1,008-pound reptilian nemesis.

Corey Capps said he's tried to catch the gator that lived in a river in his hometown of Blountstown, Florida for three years.

'Three different times in the last two months I've been back there fishing and he's stalked me,' he said to CNN.

'So me and him, something was going to give between the two of us,' he added.

Finally last month he took a boat ride on the Apalachicola River with his wife Selena and he spotted the gator lying on a bank and quickly called a friend who can legally hunt alligators with his state-issued gator tags.

The two then took a 12-foot jon boat out on the river the following day on October 13 and spotted the gator lounging in the same spot and went in for the kill.

But they were shocked to realize just how huge the creature was.

'We went out and harpooned him . . . and we didn't realize — we knew he was big, but not as big as when we pulled him up that bank,' Capps said.

Along the top of his head alone the alligator was 16 inches wide. The animal weighed 1,008 pounds and measured over 13 feet long.