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IPFS News Link • Science, Medicine and Technology

Final Words on Masks

• - Dr Mark Sircus

That did not stop Germany from becoming the first country to impose a fine on all non-mask wearers. Chancellor Angela Merkel announced during a virtual meeting in September with state governors that almost the entire country will be under a 50 euros minimum ($59) fine for breaching the national mask mandate.

The use of face masks has become a highly politicized issue throughout the pandemic, with some individuals claiming that wearing a mask can negatively impact a person's breathing and put their health at risk. Others say it is a useless barrier that lets viral particles in and out with ease. Regardless, the central authorities in our world want you and your children to wear one.

Running, walking, or even socializing outside
is not the cause of the vast majority of
coronavirus outbreaks, regardless of mask usage.

Health officials have gone back and forth on masks, but in general, they like to assure the public that face coverings can safely and effectively prevent the spread of COVID-19 respiratory droplets. Now, in what might be seen as a desperate move, they are promoting their safety with a study that assesses the changes in oxygen and carbon dioxide levels trying to put the best face on the dangers of mask-wearing.

In this study, researchers compared the breathing of each individual before and after wearing a surgical mask for thirty minutes that included a six-minute walking test. At the mark and 30 minutes after the walk, researchers found no significant changes in oxygen saturation or carbon dioxide levels.

This study might fool part of the public, but there are other studies that suggest N95 masks can cause significant hypoxia and hypercapnia that resulted in reductions in blood oxygen. In one study, researchers examined the blood oxygen levels in 53 surgeons using an oximeter. They measured blood oxygenation before surgery as well as at the end of surgeries.4 The researchers found that the mask reduced the blood oxygen levels (pa02) significantly. The longer the duration of wearing the mask, the greater the fall in blood oxygen levels. It is interesting that the present study only went on for 30 minutes.

By wearing a mask, the exhaled viruses will not
be able to escape and will concentrate in the
nasal passages, enter the olfactory
nerves and travel into the brain.