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IPFS News Link • Vaccines and Vaccinations

Thanks to Trump, America is now QUESTIONING ALL VACCINES and "herd immunity"

• Natural News - H G Wells

(Natural News) Oh, the beauty of irony. Now, since everyone on the Left must hate everything Trump says and does, the masses are being forced to question the very "holy grail" of all of Western Medicine – vaccines. Also in question now is the age-old vaccine propaganda of "herd immunity," where all the fanatical "vaxxers" claim they're safe together, as long as they don't hang around the "anti-vaxxers." That's just another theory blown out of the water by its own rationale, because shouldn't they all be immune to the diseases for which they're vaccinated? What are they worried about, if vaccines work? Now they're all against herding, and against getting the vaccine, just because Trump is pushing for one. Let's think about that for just a minute.

Trump says get the vaccine, and now all vaccination rates in general hit the gutter, and the masses are all questioning what they pushed so hard before. It's absolute entertainment to the natural health enthusiasts who know, and have known for decades, that modern vaccinations are dirty and chock full of CNS-damaging heavy metal toxins, genetically mutated organisms, and human abortion cells.

Could it be that Trump is pushing vaccines because he's against them?

After all, Trump already spoke out about vaccine dangers, and getting too many and too frequently. It's on the record. That's right, all the way back in 2012, during a Fox News interview, Trump said that he's witnessed healthy children fall deathly ill after getting vaccinations and that he has NO DOUBT in his mind that (ASD) autism and vaccines are linked directly. Trump is like a seasoned chess player when it comes to dismantling pharma and their tactics, so maybe, just maybe, this is part of the plan.
