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IPFS News Link • Pandemic

A Checklist for the Undiapered

•, By eric

It is already a challenge to buy food and get other necessary items without donning the unnecessary (in terms of your health) Face Diaper. It is possible it will become impossible in less than two months from now. Whatever your political leanings, we have been promised a National Face Diaper Mandate by one of the political candidates. This NFDM could and probably will be enforced in the manner a similar mandate is already being enforced in Australia – with government stormtroopers who literally look like Imperial Storm Troopers from the Star Wars movies.

They will be harder to ignore than signs on the door.

And there will be much more pressure – legal pressure – applied to Diaperless SpeakEasies that currently don't ask – and won't tell – if you walk in Undiapered.

Corona Karens are annoying; federal stormtroopers are scary.

Take care of necessary medical care right now, while you can still find a doctor – or a dentist – who will take care of you without degrading you. I am getting an old filing replaced – and a new crown installed – at a dental speakeasy next week so as to go into next month (and possibly, the many months thereafter)  not having to worry about an old filing falling out or my cracked tooth rotting out in my mouth because I cannot get either fixed without donning the Diaper and not improbably, accepting the "vaccine" – in air quotes to emphasize that no one knows what it will contain or what it will do, except perhaps Bill Gates and the Sexiest Man Alive.
