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IPFS News Link • Pandemic

The Controversy Over Who Is Responsible for Coronavirus Is Heating Up

•, By Paul Craig Roberts

First, is the virus a bioweapon?  Second who is responsible?

Two sources concluded that the virus was a bioweapon.  One is Francis Boyle, who drafted the US implementing legislation for the Biowarfare Convention that became US law in, I believe, 1989.  Boyle says the US government violates the law and has 13,000 scientists working on biowarfare research.  Boyle said  in February that the gainer function of the virus was done at a UNC lab at which a Wuhan scientist was present, and the HIV features were done in Australia where a Wuhan scientist was present.  He says the scientists took the work back with them and the result was Covid-19.  Also in February or March a scientific paper by scientists in India concluded that the virus was man-made.  Their paper was taken down without explanation.
