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IPFS News Link • Pandemic

A Politically Motivated Epidemic? But Maybe There Is A Hidden End-Game

•, By Bill Sardi

I don't fear a virus that is allegedly infecting and killing as much as I do politically induced panic.  There are so many mixed messages based upon faulty if not contrived and outright fraudulent data it is difficult to sort out and draw any conclusion from this so-called pandemic.  And now, as if there wasn't enough confusion, we have government permission to pray but we can't go to church (ban on assembly in large groups)!  More about that at the end of this report.

Under the conjured-up fear of death, world populations have willingly complied with political mandates to lockdown and self-quarantine indoors and avoid contact with others, essentially freezing economies and further worsening a respiratory disease season that is largely defined by a lack of sunshine vitamin D in winter months.

Health authorities should know coronaviruses come in November-December and decline in April and May (see chart below).  Regardless of testing or treatment, as the earth tilts back towards the sun in spring and summer the coronavirus outbreak should subside.  If it doesn't, one should suspect falsified science and fake news reporting.