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IPFS News Link • Education: Private Secular Schools and Home School

93 Vermont Towns Have No Public Schools, But Great Education. How Do They Do It?

• by Laura Williams

In just a couple of weeks, 50 boys with learning disabilities will take to a stage in Vermont, one after the other, to recite the Gettysburg Address from memory. It's a daring experiment undertaken each February at the Greenwood School and its population of boys who've struggled in public schools. Diagnosed with ADD, dyslexia, and executive function impairments, Greenwood's boys stand before an auditorium full of people (and once even a Ken Burns documentary crew) to recite powerful words many adults would struggle to retain. 

Many of these young men are residents of Vermont's "tuition towns." Too small and sparsely populated to support a traditional public school, these towns distribute government education funds to parents, who choose the educational experience that is best suited to their family's needs. If the school doesn't perform up to parents' expectations, they can take their children, and the tuition dollars they control, elsewhere.