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Education: Private Secular Schools and Home School

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Article Image, by Jim Bovard

After enduring bullshit school shutdowns during the COVID pandemic, many students concluded that school itself must be bullshit and have skipped attending classes.

Article Image, by Ron Paul

A rare instance of an unexpected consequence of a bad policy advancing liberty is the growth in private schools enrollment and homeschooling that occurred as a result of the covid lockdowns.

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Ron Paul Institute - Ron Paul

A 12-year-old Colorado boy became a victim of "woke" education when he was taken out of class and told he could not return unless he removed a Gadsden flag, or "Don't Tread on Me," patch from his backpack.

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Heidi St John

Anyone who knows me knows how much I love homeschooling, and today I'm talking with my friend Zan Tyler about the five reasons homeschooling is awesome. But knowing it is awesome isn't always enough to make you realize you are capable of doing it

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Ron Paul Institute - Ron Paul

The most recent release from the federally funded Nation's Report Card shows that 40 percent of eighth graders lack even a basic understanding of US history, while only 14 percent are proficient or advanced in history.