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IPFS News Link • Who-World Health Organization

Stop The WHO Treaty and Reject the Amendments

•, Greg Reese

On June 14th 1948, President Truman signed a joint resolution to sign onto the WHO constitution. Section two states that three US delegates would be chosen by the President and confirmed by the US Senate. But the Biden administration has sent US delegates who have not been confirmed. Which makes them fraudulent.

Section five states that "in adopting this joint resolution, the Congress does so with the understanding that nothing in the Constitution of the World Health Organization in any manner commits the United States to enact any specific legislative program regarding any matters referred to in said Constitution." And so the US is not lawfully compelled by the WHO.

On July 25th 1969, the 22nd annual World Health Assembly adopted the International Health Regulations "to ensure the maximum security against the international spread of diseases." But did so without a senate vote.

"The way they did that was with what they call the silence procedure. A bunch of unnamed bureaucrats agreed to that document. They gave a nine month period for the leaders of all of the parties to reject it. And if no one rejected it on the first day of January 1971, it became legally binding. So any amendments go by that same adoption procedure. So in 2005, they made substantial changes. And for the last 18 or 19 years, we've been working off of the International Health Regulations as they were amended in 2005. I challenge anybody to look through the Federal Register or the Senate records to see if the Senate has ever given their consent, you know, two thirds, either in 1948 and 1969, 2005 or in 2022" ~ James Roguski

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