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IPFS News Link • Surviving the Collapse

The World's Ultra-Rich Scramble To Find Safe-Deposit Boxes Ahead Of The Next Crash

• Zero Hedge - Tyler Durden

And while that may be fine and good - after all, virtually no finance professional thinks the current, longest bull market on record, will continue beyond next year's election - one question quickly emerged: if the world's 0.001% are indeed liquidating in anticipation of a generational crash, just what are they converting their assets into? After all, if the crash is great enough, not a single risk asset will retain its value, while a DM sovereign collapse could promptly render paper money is worthless, as for gold retaining its value, yes maybe, but only if one owns far more lead to defend it.

The answer is to be found at 46 Park Lane, a few blocks from Grosvenor Square in Mayfair, which initially resembles a private club with wood-paneled walls and an ornate fireplace dating back to Britain's Victorian era. But down a flight of stairs is one of the most secure rooms in London.