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IPFS News Link • Surviving the Collapse

10 Ugly truths about long-term power outages and how to deal with them

• Natural News by: Arsenio Toledo

Your guns might get confiscated

Law enforcement confiscating firearms after a large disaster isn't a new phenomenon. Depending on the circumstances surrounding the long-term power outage, this can also happen to you. Civilians with guns will be perceived as a threat.

Consider hiding your guns. If that isn't possible, train yourself to use alternative self-defense weapons, such as bows and arrows, pepper spray, and even kitchen utensils.

You won't be able to flush

In a power outage, the sewage will get backed up. This is a main concern since waste disposal is essential so that people don't catch any diseases.

You'll have two viable options: burning or burying. When doing either one, be sure to do it at a minimum of 250 feet away from both your home and from any source of water to avoid contamination. If you decide to bury the waste, make sure it's at least four feet underground and fully sealed in garbage bags.

Sanitation will go downhill

Without power, chances are waste management won't be anybody's priority, meaning all that trash is probably going to pile up on the streets. Stock up on hygiene items now – rubbing alcohol, hand sanitizer, and dishwashing liquid for starters.

The best way to fix this would be to organize with your community. Talk to your neighbors and come up with a plan of action. Choose to burn, bury, compost, or simply relocate your trash to prevent disease spreading throughout your neighborhood.

Credit and debit cards are useless

You'll have to rely on cold, hard cash during long-term blackouts. Stock up on emergency money right away. Withdraw your money broken up in small denominations – nothing larger than $20 bills – and store it in a secure location.

Assuming that money itself becomes useless, talk to your neighbors about establishing a proper system of barter. Being able to trade for food, water, and even labor will be essential especially if, for example, you're running low on water but a neighbor has a surplus they're willing to trade for something else.

No internet and cell service

Your mobile phones and other electronic gadgets will only run for as long as your batteries and generators last. Even then, you won't have WiFi or cell service unless the service providers have power wherever they're located.

There may still be other ways to get messages across if you or your neighbors are able to cobble together some CB or Ham radios. Being able to at least hear messages broadcast from emergency services is a must to get updated on the status of the power outage

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