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IPFS News Link • Mass Shootings

They'll say it's 'time for some serious questions' . . . and then ignore all of thes


 — indicating someone should at least take a closer look at multiple eyewitness accounts of additional shooters — let's leave that aside for the moment to focus on the immediate important points:

Wouldn't it be refreshing to hear any prominent American politician, of any party, break ranks and say something a bit more refreshing this week (perhaps creating an effect similar to Bill Clinton's famed "Sister Souljah Moment" – ( ), something like:

1) America has been an armed nation for four hundred years, and will remain one thanks to the God-given right to self-defense guaranteed by the Second Amendment to our Constitution. This is a good thing, since numerous nations were subjected to tyranny (resulting in millions of deaths of the innocent, not merely scores) in the Twentieth Century, which was possible only because their people were first disarmed. Tyrants and would-be tyrants ALWAYS disarm the masses of the people first, restricting gun ownership to their own armies and police forces.