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IPFS News Link • Vaccines and Vaccinations

Note to The Powers-That-Be: Measles is NOT Ebola!


An outbreak is defined as three or more cases. Of measles—an illness that is self-limited and benign for nearly all who got it. Before I go on, let's remember how measles was regarded when I was growing up. Recall that the Brady Bunch became infected with measles. I do not recall newspaper headlines blaring about the Brady's serious illness. I don't think the health department was on the episode investigating how the Brady's became ill. Furthermore, I don't remember Congress investigating why all the Brady's became ill. Nor do I have any memory of state legislatures trying to take parental rights away because the Brady's developed measles. I think Mr. and Mrs. Brady would have had something to say about that one!

Here's what I remember about the Brady's measles show:

That was in a different era when measles was considered a right of passage for nearly all children. In fact, children who naturally developed measles and recovered had lifetime immunity from future measles infections. Additionally, girls who recovered from measles would pass on immunity to their babies which would protect their children at the most vulnerable time in their lives.