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Will Hollywood celebs who pushed "fake noose" hate crime hoax now apologize to the world .


Natural News) It's becoming clearer by the day — nay, by the hour, practically — that "Empire" actor Jussie Smollett very likely fabricated an attack on himself by supporters of POTUS Donald Trump. Now, let's see if the perpetually triggered Hollywood Left — so ready to pile on the Trump hate — has the guts to stand tall and issue some major apologies.

To review, Smollett, 36, initially claimed Jan. 29 he was attacked around 2 a.m. by two white males who shouted racial and homophobic slurs, poured a bleach-like substance on him, and who said he was in "MAGA country" while placing a noose around his neck.

After the alleged attack, security video at his upscale apartment complex caught him entering the building holding his Subway sandwich and sporting the noose (which he still had on when police arrived to take his statement). What's also noteworthy is that Smollett's manager claimed to have heard the "MAGA country" slur, which makes him part of this story.

Early on, however, holes began to appear in Smollett's story. He wouldn't let police have his phone so they could check aspects of his story (such as his claim he was talking with his manager during the attack). While police discovered video of him traveling to the Subway and back to his apartment, strangely — in a video camera-heavy part of town — they couldn't find any of the attack.

The big break came after police released video of two suspects seen walking away from the attack site; eventually, those suspects were arrested and questioned. They turned out to be Nigerian-born brothers Abimbola "Abel" and Olabinjo "Ola" Osundairo, one of whom is Smollett's personal trainer and who was an extra on the set of Empire.

As the story began to seriously fall apart, Smollett doubled down claiming, in a statement, that he was "angered and devastated by recent reports that the perpetrators are individuals he is familiar with" — the Nigerian brothers.

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Comment by chris gill
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Will the Liberal democraps or the Hollywood haters apologize????? I would not hold my breath. They have yet to apologize for any of the false hood they promoted even after proof they were wrong. Why would they start now? They will change the narrative and still blame Trump and his supporters somehow....