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IPFS News Link • European Union

Populism and the End of the European Union

•, by Justin Raimondo

The newly-installed US ambassador to Germany, Richard (Ric) Grenell, is at the center of a Trumped-up "controversy," after having given an interview to Breitbart saying that he's looking forward to encouraging beleaguered European conservatives. The NeverTrumpers went wild: neocon Anne Applebaum accused him of being part of a conspiracy on the part of the Trump administration to back "nativist, pro-Russia and anti-pluralist" forces – as opposed to the globalist, neo-liberal, cravenly pro-Washington (as opposed to pro-American) sock puppets we've been backing previously. Applebaum was joined by German Communist leader Sarah Wagenknecht, a leader of the far-left wing of the far-left "Die Linke" Party, who demanded that Grenell be expelled from Germany.