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IPFS News Link • European Union

Who Ya Gonna Fight? Landmark Treaty Signed To Create EU Army

•, by Tyler Durden

After the shock of Brexit, the goal of defence integration was revived by former military foes, Germany and France, supported by Italy and Spain, in a show of EU unity. A similar proposal was blocked by the French parliament in the 1950s (see below). Now a treaty has been signed which sees the defence union complete by 2025 in what has been described as "one of the most tangible steps in EU integration since Brexit".

Britain, thanks to Brexit, Malta and Denmark, which has an "opt out" on EU defence issues did not sign the agreement. Standing in the front row on the left of the group photo was the President of the undemocratic European Commission, Jean Claude Juncker, who has been calling for an EU army for many years. In 2015, The Guardian reported.

The European Union needs its own army to help address the problem that it is not "taken entirely seriously" as an international force, the president of the European commission has said. Jean-Claude Juncker said such a move would help the EU to persuade Russia that it was serious about defending its values in the face of the threat posed by Moscow.