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IPFS News Link • Health and Physical Fitness

Prevent Cold and Flu This Season With These Foods

•, Bel Marra Health

It's those few months where everyone around you is sniffling, coughing, or sneezing. Everywhere you turn, someone is fighting something and you're on the defense to ensure you don't catch what they are giving out. The problem with cold and flu season is that those pesky germs are invisible to the eye, and so unknowingly to you, you are allowing those germs to enter your body and temporarily take over leaving you feeling sick and miserable.

As precautionary methods, you wash your hands more, cover your nose and mouth when you cough or sneeze, and bundle up when heading outdoors. But is this enough? You want to make sure that your immune system is working its best to be able to fight any pesky bacteria or virus that even dares to enter. For this reason, give it an added boost by implementing these immune-boosting foods into your diet.
