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Newt Offers Warning: "Trump's Much More Isolated Than He Realizes"

• by Tyler Durden

Gingrich:  "I think he's in a position right now where he's much more isolated than he realizes.  On the Hill, he has far more people willing to sit to one side and not help him right now, and I think that he needs to recognize that he's taken a good first step with bringing in General Kelly, but he needs to think about what has not worked. You don't get down to 35 percent approval and have people in your own party shooting at you and conclude that everything's going fine."

Hemmer:  "How many times have we had this conversation? It was John McCain, Gold Star families and Access Hollywood. Is this week that much different from the numerous other situations?"

Gingrich: "It is only different in that you go through little ground, little ground, little ground, and after a while you have enough different people pull back that you are in a qualitatively different position.  I think that right now, that if he wants to get his agenda enacted that if he wants get things done and have a presidency that is stable, he is going to have to have a couple of serious changes.  I think 'The Art of the Comeback,' which is a fascinating book that he wrote in 1997, is a really helpful reminder and he needs to think of what hasn't been working and what he will do that is more effective in the rest of the presidency."

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