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IPFS News Link • Vaccines and Vaccinations

Parents of vaccine injured babies/children speak out.


When I look at the field of evidence - both for and against vaccines - at the top of the list, I must give the greatest considerations to all the parents of the many children who've been legally declared medically injured or killed by the clinicians or doctors who failed to disclose ahead of time the dangers of the vaccines they administered. Hear the words and warnings from the parents themselves here.

From my studies and in my opinion, giving a child a vaccine in 2016 is like playing Russian Roulette with a gun against their head. Just read the list of ingredients in some of the modern vaccines and you'll see what I mean.

And so, in light of the fact that it is the children and their parents who suffer the most from these deadly concoctions, I would like to submit here, for your prayerful considerations, the multitude of video testimonials from those who are now forced to live the rest of their lives with an injured or dead child as a result of their decision to have them vaccinated.

On the other hand, I must say, some who are vaccinated seem to have no adverse affects whatsoever from the shot. But considering the ingredients they contain, how could anyone believe the accumulative effects of these poisons will not somehow show up in later years to come? Think about it... are you willing to put that revolver against your child's head and pull the trigger?

Do your homework. please. Hear the parents and what the Spirit of God is telling you about vaccines. That's the best counsel I can give you.

Seeking Truth above fiction,

William Raymond: pastor & ambassador for the Christ