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"Moral" Veganism Makes No Sense


Dear Moral Vegans,

First off, just to clarify- I have nothing against Vegans or the Vegan Diet. This is simply about the condemnation that is often used to convey Veganism as somehow "morally and ethically superior". I've been a vegan, I have vegan friends, and this has nothing to do with Veganism, per se.

We clear? Great.

Now, for those who DO moralize and condemn others on the basis of their diet, I know you mean well, but if you're reading this right now, regardless of your particular dietary choice, you have blood on your hands just the same as meat eaters. Why? You are on the computer which means you are willfully participating in an unsustainable industrial civilization that fundamentally depends on the constant brutal invasion, destabilization, usurpation, and destruction of entire ecosystems to maintain your privileged standard of living. The amount of destruction, suffering, and death this constantly causes to ALL forms of life which is required to maintain your comfortable lifestyle is far more horrific than any meat-eating diet is responsible for.

I'm not saying the Veganism is "bad", especially if you do it for physiological reasons. If your body just functions better without meat- great. More power to you. I'm specifically just talking about vegans who generalize ALL meat eating as "bad", regardless of the context (humanely pasture raised vs. industrial slaughterhouse), and only eating plants as "good", regardless of context (permaculture vs. industrial agriculture), and then go on to demonize meat eaters while still participating in a horrible unsustainable industrial civilization as if they're somehow morally superior. They're not.
