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IPFS News Link • Biology, Botany and Zoology

Gene editing can now change an entire species -- forever

•, Jennifer Kahn

More than anything, the technology has led to questions: How will this new power affect humanity? What are we going to use it to change? Are we gods now? Join journalist Jennifer Kahn as she ponders these questions and shares a potentially powerful application of gene drives: the development of disease-resistant mosquitoes that could knock out malaria and Zika.

1 Comments in Response to

Comment by PureTrust
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Entropy permeates everything and always has. This means that the intelligence of people is on the slow decline. Domesticated animals were genetically changed from wild to domesticated by ancient peoples because they had knowledge like this. The reason it has taken so long for us to get this knowledge is, we are declining in intelligence because of entropy. It is only through working in concert that we have re-gained this knowledge at all.