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IPFS News Link • Police State

Dept Won't Identify Cop Who Showed up at Couple's Home Without a Warrant and Lost it When ..


Welcome to America, where you never know when the gestapo is going to knock on your door and attempt to search you for "crimes" that you didn't commit, especially if you answer the door armed with a gun you legally own. In fact, it's a lot like that old saying about if a tree falls in the forest and no one is there to hear it, does it make a sound?

Well, is living in America a crime until a cop shows up?

Looks like someone forgot what the 4th Amendment is. And the 2nd Amendment. Aw heck, let's just say the whole Bill of Rights.

The video below shows an unidentified Valdosta Police Officer completely lose it in the doorway of Earl Cannady after the officer tries to imply they might be doing drugs because they are "investigating" and his wife's brother has a history of drug use.

It goes a little something like this:

1 Comments in Response to

Comment by PureTrust
Entered on:

You go up the chain of command. If the desk sergeant doesn't know or won't tell, you go to his lieutenant. If the lieutenant doesn't know or won't tell, you go to the commander. Then the commissioner. Finally the AG and the governor. Then you sue the bond of all of them. If you sue the governor, find out what he really is first. Technically, in at least some of the States, he is not a governor at all.
