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IPFS News Link • Politics: Democratic Campaigns

Hillary Clinton Turned a Stable, Developed Nation Into an ISIS Safe Haven.


As mandated by the PATRIOT Act, every election year Rudy Giuliani must appear on national television and say "9/11" - and every American knows this and looks forward to it. But television viewers across the nation were left confused and befuddled after the former New York City mayor veered off script during a recent appearance on Fox News. As Politico explains:

Speaking to Bill O'Reilly on Fox News, the former New York City mayor said that [Hillary Clinton] "helped create ISIS" through her involvement with President Barack Obama's efforts to withdraw from Iraq.

We're somewhat surprised that Rudy would malign the only other human on earth who invokes 9/11 to explain the Ocean's tides. But there is an obtuse nugget of truth buried deep within his blood-soaked word salad.

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