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"We came, we saw, he died," exclaimed an ebullient Hillary Clinton, as she exulted over the horrific death of Libyan leader Moammar Gaddafi, who was sodomized with a bayonet before being brutally murdered by rampaging militiamen.

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A short un-narrated documentary that looks at Obama’s first term with regards to transparency, healthcare, taxes, fairness, energy and the national debt through his own words WordsMatter2012 was launched this past March to offer non-partisan and o

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The Supreme Court on Tuesday ruled Speaker National Assembly Fehmida Mirza’s ruling as void and declared that Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani stood disqualified since April 26. “Yousuf Raza Gilani is disqualified from membership of parliament from

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Will the court’s action be enough to prevent Egypt from becoming an Islamic state? For that, it may be too late. Many see the upcoming runoff presidential election between Muslim Brotherhood candidate Mohammed Morsi and secularist Ahmed Shafiq, a lon

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Reality Report | Osama is dead does that mean we get our rights back? Riot Police break up a otherwise mild annual block party. Many rally around Al-Arab Gaddafi death from a NATO air strike. Google and Apple are careless with your entire location

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FDR, the champion of the downtrodden, warned us about problems with government unions. Naturally, we didn't listen, and look where we are now. But where is union solidarity and the support from unions nationwide? Jimmy Hoffa's no longer around.

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Jay Carney made his debut this week as the new Press Secretary for our Obamanation. And boy am I completely underwhelmed! At first glance, he looks like a 17 year old kid wearing his daddy’s suit to talk at a high school debate. He looks awkward

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