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IPFS News Link • Politics: Democratic Campaigns

Hillary Haunted by Libya


We spent an evening talking in his colorful Bedouin tent outside the Bab al-Azizya Barracks in Tripoli which had been bombed a year earlier by the US in an attempt to kill the troublesome Libyan leader.

Khadaffi predicted to me that if he were overthrown, Libya would break up into two or three parts and again fall prey to western domination. His efforts to bring the Arab world and West Africa out of subservience and backwardness would be ended, he foretold.

The Libyan "leader" was right. Today, after his death, Libya has splintered into warring camps. The US, France and Egypt are expanding their influence in Libya, lately also joined by Italy, Libya's former colonial ruler. They have installed the usual set of yes-men to do their bidding. Old habits die hard.

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