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IPFS News Link • Whistleblowers

Torturing Chelsea Manning in Prison


America has by far the world's largest gulag system operating globally - filled with thousands of political prisoners, many others warranting only a reprimand (never incarceration), and countless numbers of victims of wrongful imprisonment, including innocent inmates on death row.

Chelsea Manning is one of America's best - a real American hero. She took great personal risks to reveal vital truths everyone has a right to know.

In February 2012, Movement of the Icelandic Parliament (MIP) members nominated her for the Nobel Peace Prize. They felt compelled to recognize her important contribution to world peace.

Paul Craig Roberts earlier called her "a window into the American soul" - revealing "total evil." Former Attorney General Ramsey Clark explains "(o)ur jails are filled with saints." Some of America's best are ruthlessly persecuted and abused.

Center for Constitutional Rights President Emeritus Michael Ratner called Manning's court martial a "show trial of state secrecy."

Kangaroo proceedings rubber-stamped her guilty on 20 counts (six under the long ago outdated 1917 Espionage Act). She disclosed important military documents - classified to conceal US war crimes.