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IPFS News Link • Whistleblowers

Whistleblowers To Further Dismantle Jan. 6 National Guard Narrative About Trump

•, by Tyler Durden

On Wednesday, whistleblowers from the Washington DC National Guard are expected to tell Congressional investigators that former President Donald Trump wanted them deployedbut an Army Secretary, Ryan McCarthy, delayed relaying this to DC National Guard Commander William Walker by at least two hours.

According to the Daily Mail, at least three whistleblowers will also testify that their stories were ignored by the Democrat-led January 6 committee because it didn't fit their narrative. The hearing will aim to further prove that Acting SecDef Christopher Miller did give advance approval to deploy the National Guard at Trump's command.

Instead of getting to the bottom of the breakdown in communication and focusing on improving Military preparedness for future incidents, the witnesses feel the January 6 panel was solely focused on pinning blame for the events that day on Trump.

The officers, who were with Walker the day of the Capitol riot, will detail how they were on buses in full tactical gear for hours waiting for the go-ahead from the Army.

McCarthy has stated under oath that he did give a timely order for deployment of the D.C. National Guard – but Walker's troops said they found out about mobilization during a press conference, which led to a three-hour-and-19-minute delay of forces arriving at the Capitol. -Daily Mail

Some have suggested that McCarthy was trying to intervene over the optics of the Army, under his command, trying to inhibit or interfere with certification of the 2020 presidential election results - and that he may have been vying for a spot in the incoming Biden administration.

The hearing on Wednesday, "Three Years Later: D.C. National Guard Whistleblowers Speak Out on January 6 Delay," will explore whether Trump was at fault for the delay in deploying the National Guard.
