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IPFS News Link • Biology, Botany and Zoology

Well-known Australian beach stinger causes panic when a single ones washes up...


A lone bluebottle that washed up on the beach in New Jersey has terrorised beachgoers and locals alike with its presence.

Known as a Portuguese man o' war - the dead stinger was discovered by lifeguards in Harvey Cedars on Long Beach Island in New Jersey earlier in the week.

After a photo of the bluebottle was posted to Facebook, it sparked social media hysteria.

'Always be aware of your surroundings in the ocean & always swim near a lifeguard,' they warned.

But on social media the creature was immediately declared 'dangerous', 'deadly' and 'life threatening' and while the stings can be incredibly painful, rarely result in death. 

'Not going to the beach ever again', tweeted one terrified social media user. 

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