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Major Vermont Hospital Plans To Remove GMOs From Its Menu


How healthy can a hospital be when it serves McDonald's and franked-like foods to sick and recently operated on patients? This question has been posed for quite some time – and for good reason, as diet has been estimated by the CDC to prevent up to 75% of most modern-day diseases of affluence.

But what is one to do when they are checked into a hospital with poor food choices on the menu?

With the many known benefits of making food one's medicine, it should no longer just be the individual's incentive to eat healthier at home; It is now a necessity for establishments and health-care facilities – especially hospitals – to make nutritious fare offered to patients and visitors a priority.

And now, a well-known hospital in Vermont is doing just this. As shared by Burlington Free Press, the University of Vermont Medical Center's cafe, which serves 2 million meals per year, is preparing to reduce GMOs from its menu served to both patients and hospital visitors alike.

Similar to school food, hospital cuisine has a bad reputation. But nixing genetically modified foods from the menu in favor of more organic, whole food options will no doubt increase the quality and nutrition of the food offered, in effect speeding patient's recovery time and overall health.