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IPFS News Link • Government

'No You're Not!' Former NSA Chief Heckled for Calling Himself a 'Libertarian' at

•,by Andrew Kirell

Hayden was at the conference for a debate with Fox News senior judicial analyst and staunch libertarian Judge Andrew Napolitano, moderated by FBN's Lou Dobbs. After Napolitano implored the audience to be "outraged" by the National Security Agency's widespread surveillance programs, first unearthed in 2012 by whistleblowers like Edward Snowden, Hayden stood up and said, "If NSA were even capable of doing what the judge has just outlined for you, we wouldn't be having a debate here today. There would be nothing to argue about."

He continued: "Let's talk about reality. Let's talk about facts. The judge is an unrelenting libertarian." That line drew large applause from an audience likely composed of many of the judge's (and Sen. Rand Paul's) devoted fans. That fact would explain what happened next. 

"So am I," Hayden claimed as the crowd booed. Several people shouted "No, you're not!"