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IPFS News Link • 3D Printing

This Technology Could Have The Biggest Impact On American Jobs Since Offshoring

• Business Insider

But 3D printing, which last fall Credit Suisse forecast could grow up to 30%, has the potential to reshape how America makes stuff, creating new high tech jobs in the U.S. and bringing old ones back from abroad.   

"I see manufacturing taking a profound turn with additive technologies in the next five years," S. Kent Rockwell, CEO of 3D printing firm ExOne, said in a recent PriceWaterhouseCoopers report. "We'll see elite job shops grow, and new start-ups grow. We'll also see blue-collar employees learn the technology and adapt and start wearing white shirts."

3D printing, which is also known as additive manufacturing, is the process of creating products and parts on site. 

1 Comments in Response to

Comment by PureTrust
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It won't be a loss of jobs. It will simply be job shift.

Loss of jobs means that there will be fewer and fewer people who can afford the products. More and more people on welfare won't last forever. So, jobs that promote fewer workers will also be promoting themselves out of business.

In addition, entrepreneurs who don't want to get into the automated job scene will re-create certain kinds of jobs where people will be able to do the work and get paid. It might even be a separation of society, with different groups working and living in different areas. It might not be a simple destroying of the middle class.

People are good at figuring out ways of adapting and making things work. For example, during the Vietnam war, Vietnamese followed our patrols and picked up the ration cans that our troops left behind as they went through the jungles. The Vietnamese were able to make all kinds of things out of our waste metal, including radios.

In America, the biggest hindrance to people being able to find ingenious ways to survive off the land is Government. Government keeps people from inventing and using all kinds of the methods for survival, and from moving onto unused land so that they can survive. We just might wind up with a civil war in America that will be the people against Government, physically, with guns.