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IPFS News Link • Trump Administration

Trump Campaign Launches Major Mail-In Ballot Initiative Ahead Of 2024 Election

•, by Jack Phillips

Calling the campaign "Swamp the Vote," the former president said that "Republicans must win, and we will use every appropriate tool to beat the Democrats because they are destroying our country," according to a news release issued on Tuesday.

"Whether you vote absentee, by mail, early in-person, or on election day, we are going to protect the vote. We make sure your ballot is secure and your voice is heard. We must swamp the radical Democrats with massive turnout," he said in the release. "The way to win is to swamp them, if we swamp them with votes they can't cheat. You need to make a plan, register, and vote any way possible. We have got to get your vote."

The program appears to be the successor to the Republican National Committee's "Bank Your Vote" plan that was started under former Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel, who departed the RNC earlier this year.

The former president has long been critical of mail-in ballots and absentee voting, notably during the 2020 presidential election cycle. He has said that the practice leads to an increase in fraudulent votes being cast and wants to have it ended.

"We have to get rid of mail-in ballots because once you have mail-in ballots, you have crooked elections," President Trump said in his victory speech following the Iowa caucuses in January.

However, President Trump has also recently suggested that Republicans need to embrace early voting and so-called "ballot harvesting" in states that allow it.

"In the states where ballot harvesting is still legal, we have no choice but to beat the Democrats at their own game," President Trump said last year. "Either we start ballot harvesting or you can just wave goodbye to our country ... we have to get smart."

And in April 2024, he wrote on Truth Social that "absentee voting, earing voting, and election day voting are all good options" for Republicans, adding GOP voters need to "make a plan, register, and vote" in the forthcoming election.