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IPFS News Link • Activism

Cox Watch: Nothing Mentally Ill About Upholding the Constitution

Cox, who was sentenced to 27 years in prison for supposedly conspiring to over through the government, asked the court to replace his attorney after she filed documents claiming her client's advocacy for 2nd Amendment rights and belief in following the constitution were, "evidence of political delusions," a form of mental illness that her court filing claimed should justify Cox being indefinitely detained and subjected to forced treatment.

In a letter from prison Cox condemned the notion; "There's nothing mentally ill about thinking we'd all be better off if the bureaucrats obeyed the constitution. If this conviction is upheld, it's going to set a horrifying president for any would be critics of the government. And that's a far greater tragedy that one innocent political prisoner in jail."

Schaeffer Cox's friends and supporters have set up a website and are raising money for his defense at The appeal is currently due before October 1st.
