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IPFS News Link • Iraq

Iraq Policy: Washington's Puzzle Palace Keeps Getting Curiouser

Some of that equipment is pretty high tech gear and especially lethal?not the kind that jihadists ordinarily train with in their desert lairs or mountain redoubts.

But then again, ISIS got provisioned by none other than the Iraqi Army. The latter not only dropped its uniforms for civvies during the battle for Mosul, but also left behind armored Humvees, heavy artillery, night vision systems, state of the art firearms and much else of like and similar nature. Nor was this the first time that the Iraqi Army disarmed itself unilaterally. A while back they also surrendered their uniforms and guns when another American President?George W. Bush?-bombed them.

That was called "shock and awe". Afterwards, the remnants of the Iraqi army must have found it indeed shocking and awesome that Washington immediately pivoted? after hanging the country's leader?and spent $25 billion re-equipping and training them in brand new uniforms and with far better weapons.

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