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IPFS News Link • Bank of International Settlements

Global Debt Exceeds $100 Trillion as Governments Binge, BIS Says

• Bloomberg
The amount of debt globally has soared more than 40 percent to $100 trillion since the first signs of the financial crisis as governments borrowed to pull their economies out of recession and companies took advantage of record low interest rates, according to the Bank for International Settlements.  ...

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Comment by Anon Commenter
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It’s ALL about the International Central Bankers, my friends. JUST LISTEN!

Caravan to Midnight, Episode 13, w/Host J.B. Wells, and Guest “V” – Banking INSIDER

Caravan to Midnight, Episode 19, w/Host J.B. Wells, and Guests: 1) Col. Harry Riley (on the “American Spring” or “Operation USA” on May 16th, in Washington, D.C., and 2) “W” – D.C. INSIDER)

Bankers Destroy Global Economy by Design to Consolidate Power

A large part of the “Science of Poverty” is called INFLATION, something about which the International Central Bankers are very familiar. They seek to IMPOVERISH every country, and every human being on the planet, via DEBT-enslavement, so that, they can de-populate the planet. What is one of the FIRST things done, after NATO goes into some foreign country? The IMF sets up a loan, or a central bank there. What happens along with that? The IMF asset-strips the country – takes possession of its most valuable resources – they trade the paper they create out of thin air, and FORCE it upon the newly invaded country, and take as “collateral” – their resources. But, once they’ve enslaved you with DEBT, and taken possession of your REAL ASSETS (Oil, Real Estate, PM’s, etc.) don’t think it’s over, folks. No, their long-term plan, is to de-populate the planet. They are literally using the American population, and its military, and have been doing so, since around 1913, to spread their pernicious influence around the globe. 
