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IPFS News Link • Inventions

This chip will self-destruct in ten seconds

•, Robin Burks
Let’s say a drone is flying over enemy territory and gets shot down. Generally speaking, our enemies are not as technologically advanced as we are. If they capture the drone, study it, and get a good look at its onboard processors, they might re-create one for themselves. Obviously, we don’t want that to happen. DARPA’s VAPR (Vanishing Programmable Resources) program plans to solve this by creating electronics that can vanish, either by remote control or a specific variable (for example, a certain temperature). So let’s go back to the drone that gets shot down. DARPA’S idea is to send a signal to the drone as it’s going down, turning its processor into dust. Or even better, the drone’s chip detects when its altitude changes drastically as it’s falling and fries all its circuits or even blows the entire thing up. The enemy doesn't get their hands on the drone, or any sensitive information that it may contain.

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Comment by PureTrust
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Take a look at the article on thermite at Google thermite. Here is how to make it

Why thermite? If you place a properly built container of thermite inside your computer, above and around your hard drive, and you run a magnesium strip through it, and you connect the magnesium strip to a vibration controller that ignites the magnesium strip if your computer is moved, ZAPPO, no more hard drive. But be careful. Do your due diligence and use your head. It could mean no more computer desk, no more floor, no more house, and no more son or daughter who moved the computer.

You get the idea. A properly controlled thermite reaction will reduce lots of stuff to their component molecules, and even atoms.