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IPFS News Link • Government

Why The State Likes To Frighten You

 Education is paramount. In other words, those who subscribe to this point of view believe strongly in winning the long-game. He who wins the long-game, wins.

The State is powerless against an educated public (which is why they cherish so greatly their monopoly on “public education”).

The Internet has provided an end-around that monopoly, so many libertarians go to work on changing one mind at a time, with an eye on winning the long-game. The Internet also makes the playing field global. It’s just as important for a New Zealander to understand the ideas of free markets and liberty as it is for an American. The power of ideas have no geographical boundaries.

The opposition, on the other hand, is often very short-game oriented. If you’re hungry for power, you want to exercise that power now. You want people to obey now.