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IPFS News Link • Activism

Canada: City Arrests Speed Camera Protester

• The Newspaper
.... "Guess the cash flow for the city was suffering immensely because no sooner did I get there to sign that the cops were there within two minutes to handcuff and throw me in the back of the car," Yaworski explained on the Wise Up Facebook page. "I guess I hurt their feelings when I would go up to them take their pics and say to them, 'Hey rat bastards,' in which I then walk away far from them to go about warning people of our city's deceitful tactics to [raise] revenue."....

1 Comments in Response to

Comment by Stupid Amerkin
Entered on:

We also have spent  time in jails trying to expose the fraud and policing for profit agendas here in the states. It is an undisputed fact for those who know that the department of transportation is the biggest racketeering enterprise operation in the country that has been plundering and robbing the sheeple for generations under the color of law. We have been jailed, our property stolen and threatened with more harm if we did not stop in our campaign to expose the criminals from the road pirates to the dens of corruption, (courts) all the way to the top to the governors office of the crimes committed everyday by public officials concerning the issues of driving vs the right to travel. The battle continues and the day is at hand that all these corporate thugs and gangsters will answer the call.