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IPFS News Link • Science, Medicine and Technology

Manned Mars Missions: How Will Astronauts Get Along?

 NASA plans to send the first humans to Mars sometime in the next quarter-century. Such a mission will push the boundaries of teamwork for the handful of astronauts selected, as they will have to spend as long as three years isolated together in a tiny capsule traveling through the harsh dangers of space toward the Red Planet and back. Any problems in teamwork could jeopardize the mission.

To help maintain teamwork during a mission to Mars, scientists are developing devices aimed at monitoring astronauts in real time to learn how and why cooperation fluctuates over the course of a mission. [The Boldest Mars Missions in History]

1 Comments in Response to

Comment by PureTrust
Entered on:

The idea of actually being able to move to another planet is exciting. But it is expensive. And extremely so. Who is going to pay for it? And what will be the price?

If there is NOT a whole lot of benefit for all the people being forced into paying - through taxation and Government programs used to get us to Mars - then the whole thing is ultimately stealing from the people.

Even if it is a private company that does it through profits they have made selling products or services to people, the expense is so great that the profits will almost certainly have been gained through unfair pricing practices in some way.

What looks like glory on the outside, will have really been people tricked into involuntary servitude. Much better use of the money could have been made... use that benefits all the people.
