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IPFS News Link • Activism

Boycott these Monsanto-pandering factory 'food' companies

 If Americans are truly serious about making real progress in the fight against genetically-modified organisms (GMOs), then we are going to have to take things to the next level by voting with our wallets, and boycotting every single factory food company that continues to secretly use GMOs in its products. And one way to help jump start this efforts is to get the health-conscious community up to speed about which major food companies are still using GMOs in secrecy.

The blog recently created a "Do Not Buy" list that outlines all the major food producers that use GMOs in their products. Besides the more obvious offenders such as Coca-Cola, General Mills, Pepsi, and Frito-Lay, the list also pins "health"-branded food companies like Nature Valley and Morningstar that many people are still unaware also use GMOs in their products.

1 Comments in Response to

Comment by Stupid Amerkin
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Law suits and criminal charges should be filed against the United Grocers and all the major corp stores across this country who continue to sell and stock GMO foods. We the consumer do have the power to change this if we get our head out of our rear end and start moving.